Hi! I'm

Hapis Hanipudin

I'm a


Here is some information about me

Hello, my name is Muhammad Hafizh Hanifuddin, You can call me Hapis, Hanip, or Udin. I am a student who is currently in high school. i was born in kuningan and currently i am living in depok.

I've been interested in computers or IT since grade 2. I love coding and learning new things. I also like playing games, listening to music, and spending time with my friends. I also have an interest in video editing and graphic design.

I am currently exploring the field of web application development. my goal is to become a full-stack developer. I have mastered several technology stacks and am exploring javascript.


Ma'had Rahmaniyah Al-Islamy

Bogor, Indonesia
2019 - 2022